Thursday, December 18, 2008


The fact that I haven't touched this blog since July should be REason enough for the REsurrection of this blog. Yet rather than dedicating it solely to my photography, I've also decided to REinvent this blog and make it about ME!!! Yay for selfish ambition and excitement!

Anyhoooo... this blog will be about life, the capturing of it (in various forms), and yeah... I'm super excited. Now let's see how long this can last. Haha.

In light of my sporadic blogging history, I am determined to blog at least once a week (which is a big step for me, believe me!). Therefore, I am posting my contract to myself... and "what God has joined together, let no man put asunder." (Referring to the REunion of my blog and I, by the way.)

I, Evangeline, do hereby take this blog... as my blog. I will love it and cherish it... by posting on it at least once a week. Not 'til death do us part (which raises the larger question: do blogs die?)... but something to that effect.

Signed, Evangeline


Tim Higley said...

Yay for REsurrection! I'm REally excited to see what you will REveal to us in your REvamped blog.

Karyn said...

Congrats!!! I am happy your blog is back :)

perhaps I shall follow your example and do the same...your RElationship is an example to me ;)