That said, I decided that this coming semester I will be filming a love story. Yeah, I know. Terrifying.
Now it isn't that I am super cynical of the whole "love story thing"... okay, so maybe I am. But you have to understand that my cynicism is quite founded. Thankyouverymuch.
So let me ask you this: What makes a love story?
The sad thing is that I am now going to have to clarify and refine my question: What makes a true love story? (Yes, "love" and "true love" appear to be different in this day and age.)
Stud meets Gorgeous. They're perfect for each other. They go for a stroll on the beach (and I'll leave it at that--let's keep it rated G). They're in love. The end.
Sure, I'm being terribly sarcastic and lame (I'm a pro, really)... but do you see my problem? What is a true love story?
I found a quote from an author that I, admittedly, never heard of... 'til I googled "true love stories"... yes, I am officially pathetic (but hey, google has the answer to everything!). Anyways, here's the quote from Richard Bach:
True love stories never end.So what about those fairy tales? When "the prince and princess lived happily ever after. The End"? What if Cinderella realized that her night of dancing at the ball with Prince Charming was not enough to base their relationship upon? What if Sleeping Beauty began to wish that a different Prince Charming had kissed her and woken her from her slumber? Maybe "The End" doesn't belong in a true love story...
This might be a sign of my old age, but I am going to tell another story from when Hil and I were younger. We had this storybook called, "I'll Always Love You," and it was about a little boy and his puppy. The story is a bit foggy in my head, but what I remember is that at the end of it, the boy and puppy have grown up, and now the dog is about to die. At the very end of the story, the boy whispers to his faithful friend, "I'll always love you."
I hope the true love story that I film will have characters that will be able to say, "I'll always love you."
And truly mean it and live it.
(On a side note, I might not be filming a true love story until I can find a story that nails the "true love" part. I'll keep you updated.)
YES! i am literally cheering about this. so jazzed. please post updates.
I LOVE the story you are referring to! Can't wait to see what brilliance oozes from your pores to create a lovely story!
So I'll admit that after months of seeing your January post, I didn't check your blog for a while (meaning I didn't check for the two weeks I was at Basileia without internet). haha. Anyways...thanks for updating again, and especially this one.
Evange I'm so excited for you!! Can I help??????
My stereotypically Bible major two cents is this: The true love story is the one we have in the Bible. Corny? Perhaps. But true. I was talking with Mel about this and I think that any good story, any narrative we ascribe to is an imitation (yes I think it is okay to imitate the Bible and not be the Bible) of that overarching story. Just my thoughts :)
That sounds like a challenge indeed... you got me thinking certainly. 1 Corinthians 13:8... Love never fails. I wonder if you can loosely translate that into love never ends. It talks about prophets running out of prophecies, words fading and knowledge grinding to a halt. But love remains. A story that portrays that on a human level would certainly be epic.
True love is a man and woman in their 60's still going out on one date a week after 40 years of marriage. The man opens the door for his bride, pulls her chair out and gives her a kiss on the cheek. He only sits when she is comfortably in her chair. He orders for her as he knows exactly what she wants with just one glance. As he sits there she explains her day and he does not interrupt but stares avidly in her eyes. He still wonders how he could be so blessed to have this angel as a wife. They have three sons that are leaders in the church. Three adopted sons and several grandchildren...but still he loves her more each day and will until his dieing day. She thinks to herself no fairytale could ever compare to the last 40 years. For no matter what has happened he has never stopped loving me as Christ loves the church. Both know of the others deep love that extends beyond time itself because they both have loved Christ above all else. So their love will not fail.
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